Micro Businesses

HMRC: Less than 10 employees AND turnover or balance sheet up to £2 million.

What can we do for you ?

More than you think. Much more.

Although many micro companies have grown by the owner or a senior employee doing so much themselves, there comes a time when help with promoting the business properly is seen as an investment rather than an expense.

But which direction to go in ?

The uncertainties of how much return micro businesses get on each £ spent on promotion makes many not spend much at all. Some do, Some don’t. Some experiment.

This is because certain key variables have to be just right to make the most of your budget. If they are not, your money is inefficiently spent and in some cases have little effect, and be wasted. And without knowing enough about promotion anything you do or budget designers is a best guess.

Do you know ?


What is the most effective design and text for your website should be?

Am I getting the most out of my current site, or does it exist aimlessly ?

If you don’t know what to look for how can you tell the difference between a website which just looks good, with fancy navigation and colourful illustrations, and one that is designed to do a particular job ?

 1) Advertising

How much advertising should I do ? Is it an investment or a waste ?

What can I gain from social media ? Is it just a waste of time and money for a company of my size or not ?

Is it best to advertise on You Tube, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram? (or a combination).

What is the best way/s to exploit these platforms ?

What are the best things to say in my ads ?

How do I measure their effectiveness ?

2.) Other Media

What other promotional media am I missing ?

There are so many we don’t expect you to know them all. And even if you did, would you know the correct ones to advertise in and which ones were a waste of money ?

3.) Referrals

How can I get more referrals ?

There are special techniques for this, including making sure you are given excellent reviews on referral websites such as yelp. 90% of people who investigate companies in your field will check review sites to see what others say and 90% trust what is said. No wonder Amazon use reviews so much.

And people would rather turn to a company where they have reviews on the companies they are considering doing business with, than ones they don’t.

Wouldn’t you ?

The Answers

We specialize in promotion for micro to small businesses.

So we know the answers to these and other important questions.

In a micro sized business, things are less of a process. More of an event/s.

So we understand your budgets are constrained and there is more reliance on reasonable and experienced assumptions, to obtain effective results.

properly produced web site (including the psychological element) is important and so is being found (Google/Yahoo etc).

There is a co-operative effort as we discuss your business with you, so we can best add what you have missed.

If you are interested in what to expect, investing time going through other sections of this website will tell you how it all works.

It’s worth it.